About Trial Attorneys of New Jersey
President's Message,
The Trial Attorneys of New Jersey (“TANJ”) is a statewide attorney organization with a mission of promoting the litigation interests of the public, the bench, and the bar. TANJ members include trial attorneys who litigate in the state and federal courts of the State of New Jersey, as well as former members of the judiciary. Our trial attorneys have diverse practice areas, including public sector, plaintiff, and defense attorneys from the civil and criminal bars.
We share a passion for courtroom advocacy. We share a drive to hone our litigation skills. We share an understanding about the rigorous demands of trial work. We know that when the attorneys – on both sides of the case – are skilled, prepared, and ethical, then our clients and the judicial system benefit.
To strengthen our shared values, TANJ presents trial skills training programs for young attorneys, attorneys preparing for certification exams, and seasoned attorneys. TANJ nurtures the relationship among trial attorneys through networking events. TANJ files amicus briefs and position statements regarding rules impacting litigation, appeals, and the attorney-client relationship. TANJ has been actively fortifying these shared values for nearly 60 years.
As a testament to our shared values, TANJ has been recognizing a small number of attorneys who demonstrate trial excellence by awarding the Trial Bar Awards since 1968. These elite attorneys also teach and mentor the next generation of New Jersey trial attorneys through TANJ’s programming.
We want your help to continue TANJ’s mission. Your membership matters. We welcome you to join TANJ.
Sheila Raftery Wiggins
Benefits & Services
Offered to Members
Continued legal education
Amicus Briefs on issues affecting the Trial Bar
Legislative services
Trial Bar Awards to outstanding N.J. attorneys
Annual conferences
Trustee Committees
Trial Bar Awards Selection
Publicity / Pro Bono
Long Range Planning
Education / Seminars / Back to Basics
Legislative Coordination
Officers and New Trustees Selection
Travel / Entertainment / Speakers
Constitution / By Laws Revision
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More About Us
TANJ, the voice and resource for New Jersey's Trial Lawyers, is an organization of approximately 600 members consisting of both plaintiff & defense attorneys from the civil and criminal bars and is dedicated to promoting the interests of the public at large, the interest of the litigants involved in civil and criminal cases, and the interests of the bench and bar.
The organization was started 50 years ago and is headquartered in West Allenhurst, New Jersey. The Executive Director is Ginny Whipple-Berkner; feel free to reach out to her here. The organization is governed by an Executive Board and a Board of Trustees that meet monthly to address issues affecting the general membership.
Proudly, TANJ hosts the annual Trial Bar Awards Banquet. This event marks the presentation of our esteemed Trial Bar Award, and our Daniel L. Golden Lifetime Achievement Award. To see this and previous years' award winners, please Click Here.
In an effort to accommodate a diverse group of members, you can Join TANJ at a reduced rate if you are a law student, a government employee or a young attorney.
We hope you enjoy the website and consider becoming a part of the Trial Attorneys of New Jersey.